Burrel Edward Mohler Sr., 77 anos
Burrell Edward Mohler Jr. 53 anos
David A. Mohler, 52 anos
Jared Leroy Mohler, 48 anos
Roland Neil Mohler, 47 anos
Darrell Wayne Mohler, 72 anos (irmão do 1º)
Beginning in 1988, police believe 77-year-old Burrell Edward Mohler Sr. started raping the young boys and girls in his extended family. Over time, it seems he also introduced his four sons to pedophilia, and they forced the kids to even have sex with dogs.
All all five men are now charged with raping at least five children under the age of 12. Police are searching property outside Bates City, Missouri, looking for notes the victims buried in glass jars over the years -- and also searching for bodies...
Burrell Mohler Jr. and his brothers are accused of forcing the kids to have sex with their German Shepherd
The alarming serial rape accusations first came to light when one of the victims informed detectives in August. Five victims have been identified, but that number could grow. The search also implies that police believe the Mohler men killed and buried people on their property.
Prosecutors contend that four girls and one boy in the family were raped between 1988 and 1995, though the assaults could have gone on longer. The victim who first alerted police said she was forced to get an abortion at age 11 and that she and her sisters were involved in mock wedding ceremonies before the men would have sex with them.
She also said all five Mohlers used the family German shepherd to rape her.
One victim says Jared Mohler and his brothers held mock wedding ceremonies before they'd rape the kids
Over the years, the victims say they buried glass jars in the yard with notes explaining what was happening to them. Police are now searching for those jars, and using cadaver sniffing dogs to check for bodies.
For the moment, the Mohlers are charged with multiple counts of child rape. They include Burrell Edward Mohler Sr., of Independence, Missouri; Burrell Edward Mohler Jr., 53, of Independence; Jared Leroy Mohler, 48, of Columbia, David A. Mohler, 52, of Lamoni, Iowa, and Roland Neil Mohler, 47, of Bates City. More charges are likely to be added.
David Mohler has worked for Graceland University in Iowa for 27 years, says university President John Sellars. He was arrested on campus, where he apparently worked on the phone system. Sellars described Mohler's wife Michelle as "shocked and stunned." The couple has two grown children.
UPDATE: Police are currently searching property in Lafayatte County, Missouri with cadaver dogs and backhoes to look for bodies and jars containing notes the victims buried over the years.
The kids were lined up on a bed and sodomized/David Mohler
"There have been indications that an individual was killed, or individuals were killed," Lafayatte County Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh. "There has been an indication that there are body or bodies in numerous locations."
During their years of abuse, the kids were encouraged by the Mohlers to write down their bad thoughts and put them in a jar because it would make their memories go away. While it may have made for more placid victims at the time, it would now prove a treasure trove of evidence if those jars can be found.
The woman who first came forward with the accusations, now 26, says she was forced to have an abortion at age 11 and also watched her brother abused. She and her four sisters were also made to participate in mock weddings where they put flowers in their hair and wore dresses before marrying the Mohlers.
Roland Mohler and his brothers told the girls to burying their bad thoughts and they would go away
After hers, she was taken to a chicken coop by Mohler Sr. to have sex. In other instances, the woman and her sisters would be lined up on their knees on a bed and sodomized.
It's unknown if other relatives knew about the abuse. Some of the Mohler boys are married, but Burrell Sr.'s wife Alice died in 1991, three years have the molestation is thought to have began. A former neighbor says the Mohlers moved away about a decade ago from the property now being searched. Detectives believe he sold the property to Burrell Jr. at that time.
Three of the men -- Burrell Sr., David and Jared -- are lay ministers in The Community of Christ, a Mormon splinter group. One was registered to work with children. But a church spokeswoman says all three have had their licenses yanked.
It looks like detectives are a long way from wrapping up their case. They're still searching for one or more bodies possibly buried on the Mohler family land, and they seem certain more victims will surface.
"I believe that there is, and I believe every investigator here, after seeing the evidence, believes there's more victims," Lafayette County Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh told CNN. "Pedophiles don't stop at one."
Darrel Wayne Mohler says he hasn't even seen his brother in 20 years
UPDATE: Burrell Sr.'s brother, Darrel Wayne Mohler, was arrested on two counts of rape in Florida.
He's accused raping two girls between the ages of 5 and 9 at an abandoned home in Bates City, Missouri. But he seems genuinely surprised to be targeted in the case.
The retired Navy man, electrical contractor and prison guard, now 72, has lived in Silver Springs, Florida since 1984, four years before the crimes are alleged to have begun. He also says he and Burrell Sr. grew apart, and haven't seen each other in 20 years. Aside from the occasional phone call, he has almost no contact with the other accused men in his family.
As for the rape charges, he seems genuinely befuddled. "If I was there long enough to rape them (the children), I would've known about it," he told the Ocala Star-Banner. "I've no contact with him or his family."
11 comentários:
Fiquei com o estômago às voltas...
Mesmo correndo o risco do meu olhar de indignação fulminar o meu monitor perante tais figuras, seres desumanos da mais reles espécie... eu comento.
Há dias, num dos programas da Oprah, vi uma reportagem em que polícias de um departamento de investigação de cibercrime procuravam e detectavam indivíduos a "downloadar" e "uploadar" filmes e fotos de pedofilia. Localizaram e rusgaram a residência de um deles onde surpreenderam um homem que dizia nada saber e até desconhecer como ligar um computador. Mais tarde vieram a descobrir que afinal o criminoso era filho dele, de 18 anos, e inclusive na altura em que fizeram a rusga vários computadores que tinha no quarto estavam a "violar" a lei. Diziam os polícias que milhares de pc's estariam a "sacar" pedofilia no preciso momento em que prendiam o rapaz, e isso só no estado da Florida.
Este mundo está perdido.
Vamos lá a ver se agora não alegam que isto era uma religião qualquer professada pelas bestas.
Tenho um único consolo, eles vão ser devidamente recebidos pelos outros reclusos na prisão.
resposta à tua pergunta: não sei que link tens nos feeds mas tive algumas mudanças nos ultimos tempos...
O mundo não está perdido por existirem monstros destes, pois sempre os houve e desde a antiguidade.
O que me deixa revoltada é haver estados que têm leis que dão espaço a que casos como estes sejam possíveis.
Este caso não era um aso de secretismo, que de repente se revela e deixa o mundo espantado. Não. este caso é igual a centenas de outros existentes nas seitas religiosas na América, no Médio Oriente ou em qualquer outro lado do mundo onde existam loucos e leis que os protegem.
Por estas e por outras, é que muitas vezes sou a favor da pena de morte.
Crimes sexuais, que mais não são do que crimes de pura cobardia, deveriam ter as penas mais graves da lei. E se essa pena for a morte, que seja.
eu até lá vou ligar o interruptor. Sim, porque convém que seja por electrochoque: é mais demorada e sente-se tudo!
A pena de morte eu não defendo, seria até branda. Os árabes condenam os ladrões amputando-lhes as mãos (que violência) e a estes fudamentalizo, deveriam corta-lhes os pindiricalhos e marcar-lhes na mente e na carne todo o mal que fizeram. Arghhh...
Paulo, mas depois tínhamos de lhes sustentar a existência com o nosso dinheiro...
é nestes casos que, sendo contra a pena de morte, não me importava de 'fechar os olhos'...arghhh!!!
Há cada uma que parecem 5.
Eu nem li tudo que já me estava a meter confusão com tamanha estupidez e crueldade. Que anormais!
Estes homens merecem o pior dos castigos e a pior das penas. E que sofram muito, tal como fizeram sofrer.
Há situações e procedimentos que são de todo incompreensíveis!
Comentário não faço.
Expresso todavia o desejo de que sejam "postos a dormir" de vez porque não merecem estar neste mundo!
Afinal sempre comentei!
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